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New Era Logistics

Delivering a robust array of GP Shipping Container, DV Used Shipping Containers, Shipping Container, Refrigerated Shipping Container, Used Refrigerated Shipping Container, etc.

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New Era Logistics

About Us

Logistics is a crucial component in supply chain management. Safe storage and transportation are critical to the success of logistics. Aware of the importance of storage solutions in logistics and supply chain, we, New Era Logistics, are providing various types of containers for storage and transportation. We are a reliable manufacturer and supplier of DV Used Shipping Containers, GP Shipping Container, Refrigerated Shipping Container, Used Shipping Container, Refrigerated Shipping Container, etc. Some containers we manufacture while others we supply are used ones.
We are operating from Mumbai, the city which is the largest port city in India. This gives us a location advantage and ultimately enables us to manufacture the containers efficiently and cost-effectively. The economical production, in turn, enables us to extend the benefits to our customers. We have containers of dry type and refrigerated storage. Dry-type containers are suitable for general-purpose goods while the refrigerated container is ideal for perishable goods. Our containers are available in varying sizes and storage capacities. Thus, we offer plenty of choices to freight carriers and logistics companies. We are in the business with the ultimate goal of building a pool of loyal customers who have complete faith in our products.

New Era Logistics

Why Choose Us

Our Team

We started our business six years ago, and in this short period, we have built a good reputation in the market.

Quality Assurance

We know the importance of quality and how significant it is to earn the trust of the customers.

Our Infrastructure

We have a large storage area for keeping the containers safe. Our spacious storage area along with a modern office space enables us to deliver a seamless range of DV Used Shipping Containers, GP Shipping Containers, Refrigerated Shipping

New Era Logistics

Fact Sheet

Manufacturer and Supplier
Trusted company that deals in quality-made products
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